Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3, 2010

The Oktoberfest tastings continue: Hofbrau Oktoberfest. A golden version, tasty and bitter.

Last year's taste test runner-up: Spaten Oktoberfest. Part of the Big Six Munich Breweries.

"Matt" Taibbi's new piece in Rolling Stone is entitled Tea & Crackers. It is funny and a bit scary. The new issue also has an interview with President Obama. Lots of interesting questions ,like:

What has surprised you the most about these first two years in office? What advice would you give your successor about the first two years?
Over the past two years, what I probably anticipated but you don't fully appreciate until you're in the job, is something I said earlier, which is if a problem is easy, it doesn't hit my desk. If there's an obvious solution, it never arrives here — somebody else has solved it a long time ago. The issues that cross my desk are hard and complicated, and oftentimes involve the clash not of right and wrong, but of two rights. And you're having to balance and reconcile against competing values that are equally legitimate.

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