Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24, 2011

Well, if you are in Ireland, you might as well have a pint of Guinness.

I am glad I ordered my fast pass early, they are now sold out.

“Somebody’s counting on that. It’s the easiest way to fool them. That or the police. Geiger can collect on these notes, unless you can show fraud. Instead of that he makes you a present of them and admits they are gambling debts, which gives you a defense, even if he had kept the notes. If he’s a crook, he knows his onions, and if he’s an honest man doing a little loan business on the side, he ought to have his money. Who was this Joe Brody you paid the five thousand dollars to?”

know one's onions Vrb phrs. Knowledgeable and competent in one's task. E.g."I'll say one thing for Craig, he knows his onions when it comes to repairing car engines."

Bob Steele as Lash Canino in the movie.
From the book:
"There's a boy that is tough like some guys think they are tough. He does a job for Eddie Mars when Mars needs him - trouble shooting. He'd bump a guy off between drinks. When Mars don't need him he don't go near him. And he don't stay in this habitat. Well it might be something or it might not. Maybe they got a line on Regan and Mars has just been sitting back with a smile on his puss, waiting for the chance. Then again it might be something else entirely. Anyway I tell Joe and Joe gets on Canino's tail. He can tail. Me, I'm no good at it. I'm giving that one away. No charge. And Joe tails Canino out to the Sternwood place and Canino parks outside the estate and a ground car pulls up beside him with a girl in it. They talk for a while and Joe thinks the girl passes something over, like maybe dough. The girl beats it. It's Regan's wife. Okay, she know Canino and Canino knows Mars. So Joe figures Canino knows something about Regan and is trying to squeeze a little on the side for himself. Canino blows and Joe loses him. End of Act One."
"What does this Canino look like?"
"Short, heavy set, brown hair, brown eyes, and always wears brown clothes. Even wears a brown suede raincoat. Drives a brown convertible. Everything brown for Mr Canino."

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