Saturday, October 4, 2008

October 4, 2008

It is October and time for Octoberfest.
Sam Adams sells a tasty version.
The beer is defined as having four malts: Munich, Harrington,
Moravian and Crystal. A
Märzen style beer. According to
Wikipedia, the beer was often kept in the cellar until late in the summer, and remaining
bottles were served at the Oktoberfest. In order to last so long, either
the original gravity and alcohol were increased or the hopping was strengthened.

Nice brisk fall day. Corn should be around until
past Columbus Day. Just ate some. This year was
a great one for corn, tomatoes too.

Decorative gourds.

"Five for one, twenty for five.
Give some to your friends"

Orange Cauliflower.


Great comment in Mr. Parker's site from Foodie
about Hawaiian Road signs. Nene crossing, quite
appropriate for crosswords.

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