Sunday, October 14, 2018

October 14, 2018

That's Alcatraz before the the hills of Sausalito.

The Streetcar operators do a lot of pulling.

A ride on a streetcar is a treat.

Alcatraz, "The Rock." You have to sign up in advance to be able to score a tour. This is a shot from the Sausalito ferry. The Blue Angels were in town as part of Fleet Week. The plane flying over Alcatraz was buzzing the bay.

The Blue Angels buzzed the town all weekend.

I drove up Taylor street, returning a rental car early in the morning, thinking of Bullitt. The address in the movie for Bullitt's apartment was on Taylor street. Bill Hickman did the stunts for this and The French Connection.

From the top of Russian Hill.

At Vallejo & Taylor, Ina Coolbrith Park. Great views.

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