Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18, 2010

Know Your Meme details some of the insanity passing through the Internet: Joseph Ducreux / Archaic Rap. Make your own Poster. Here are 25 with reference to the original Raps.

An explanation.

Picked up a lot of new vocabulary, mostly military terms, from Lee's Lieutenants:

redoubt  -
A small, often temporary defensive fortification.
A reinforcing earthwork or breastwork within a permanent rampart.
A protected place of refuge or defense.
[French redoute, from Italian ridotto, from Medieval Latin reductus, concealed place, from Latin, past participle of reducere, to withdraw, lead back. See reduce.]

Abatis - An abatis is an arrangement of felled trees, with the branches facing outward from the defending position to impede the charging enemy. Sharp pointed sticks were also used.

PRONUNCIATION: (O-vuhr-slaw) 
MEANING: verb tr.:
1. To pass over someone in favor of another, as in a promotion.
2. To bar or to hinder.

ETYMOLOGY: From Dutch overslaan (to pass over, omit), from over + slaan (to strike).

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