Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 28, 2009

I hate and I love. Why do I do it, perchance you might ask?
I don't know, but I feel it happening to me and I'm burning up.

Catullus' ODI Et AMO is featured in 51 down in
today's NYT Crossword. It is an old favorite (Post of 12/14/2008.)
I didn't know Carl Orff ("O Fortuna") did a musical piece
on this until today.

SethG posted an organ piece of Orff from at
Rex Parker's site. Here is a choral version:

Speaking of Love and Hate, here are the Persuaders
(what is left that is):

Heavy into B-Ball and March Madness about to begin.
The NCAA Tournament is sports at its best.

One son lost in his HS Playoff last night. A missed three at
the buzzer which rolled out at the last second had his team
lose by two. Still a great game in which his team came back
from a 24 point deficit.

The older son has his last College game today and his playoffs
start next week.

My work tournament starts in three weeks and I guess I will
lace up one last time. It is hard playing against people twenty-five years younger.

34 down in the NYT Crossword today is ALLEY OOP, clued
as court crowd-pleaser. Also, 35 down Executed part of a
34 down - LEAPED UP.

Here is a top ten :

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